CEO Weekly Newsletter: June 7, 2021

Thank You From The YK Alliance Church

Last week we were blessed by the well wishes and thanks from what I would call the “church ladies” of the YK Alliance Church. Led by Helen Hoeve, we received a beautiful arrangement of cookies and letters of thanks for our hard-working staff and the residents in our care.

“If the only prayer you ever say in your life is ‘thank you’ that would suffice” - Meister Eckhart

This is what was said in their card to AVENS: “To Admin and Office Staff. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to AVENS. We realize that there have been changes and difficult decisions. We appreciate all your efforts to keep staff and residents safe and healthy. Keep Smiling! Warm hugs to you!”
We cannot thank enough the generosity of Helen and her colleagues for taking the time to keep us in their thoughts and well wishes.

A large box of personalized cookies for staff and residents.

In a world full of fear and concern for safety, it was refreshing to see such a great and meaningful gesture of thanks.

Personalized “thank you” letters for staff and residents! WOW!

We think this courtesy by YK Church Alliance ladies was incredible and we are so thankful for them thinking about AVENS in their prayers.

(L to R) Residents Mabel and George enjoying their letter’s and cookies

As these letters and cookies circulated throughout the campus, we were able to capture this gratitude with tears, laughs and smiles (under our masks of course). Thank you and mahsi again to Helen and the “church ladies” you definitely made our week!

(L to R) Marie, Christine, Megan, Erin and Marie-Pierre posing with their letter and treat

Thank You From Ernestine

There is no better “hugger” than Ernestine. Covid has limited her ability for her traditional big hugs, but she has definitely found other ways of embracing her love for her friends and AVENS staff.

Ernestine wanted to do something different to celebrate her birthday, so the fine folks of the Wellness Team helped her realize her wishes.

Ernestine enjoying her “birthday” KFC chicken at Fred Henne Park with her friends

Armed with KFC chicken in hand, Ernestine wanted to share the recent opening of the chicken franchise with everyone she could… staff included!

A beautiful day to have a birthday at Fred Henne Park

With the “party bus” all decorated and ready for adventure, Team KFC all bucketed-in (buckled) in for the journey.

(L to R) Ramona, Ernestine and James on the KFC birthday party bus

Not to worry, Ernestine made sure there was plenty of chicken left over for many of the staff to enjoy. Thank you, Ernestine, for sharing your KFC birthday with us! It was “Finger non-covid licken’ good!”

Thank You From The AVENS Board

There is probably no better supporters out there than our very own AVENS Board. I can’t tell you how many times they express their thanks for all the sacrifice and great work that you do for AVENS. They wanted to make sure that you know they care about you and we are in their thoughts and prayers everyday during this pandemic.

(T to B) Past Board Chair, Ron Allen and current Chair Marion LaVigne

We are thankful for the many “flattening the stomach curve” lunch events they sponsored over these past 16 months.

(L to R) Long serving board member Sandra Turner and Chair of the Develop Committee, Kelly Hayden

Chair of the Fundraising Committee, Bronwyn Watters and Chair of the Governance Committee, Debbie DeLancey

They want to let you know we are very close to the finish line and for us to stay strong. In turn, we want to thank them for their support and their volunteer time dedicated to our success!

(L to R) Long serving former Director of Care, Lynda Koe and Chair of the Finance Committee, Matthew Spence